Are there things in your life that you’ve avoiding for no other reason than fear? For me, the answer to that question is a big fat yes.
Fear is a natural, powerful human emotion. It alerts us to the presence of danger or the threat of harm whether it’s real or imaginary. A little fear is fine, it prevents you from doing stupid things. However, when it prevents you from experiencing things that can enhance your life and make you a stronger person, you really have to examine it.
Right before my last really big birthday, as many people do, I started to really examine my life. I realized that I was in a pretty serious rut. Despite the fact that I was challenged creatively and professionally and was happily married and raising a hilarious kid, I noticed that I had stopped growing as a person. 100% by my own doing.
I started to look at myself as an iPod with the same 50 songs playing over and over and nothing new.
What was holding me back from trying new things? From pushing myself out of my comfort zone? Plain and simple — I was.
I realized that I had become defiantly boring, vanilla and predictable. In some ways even wearing it as a badge of honor or a punchline. “Yeah well you know me. I’m not gonna try that, hahahaha! Cause I’m…